Open thread, March 2011
OK, so my Zionism vs. Bolshevism post is now up to 236 comments. Mainly thanks to Polymath and Rebellious Vanilla (AKA Tasty Glamgirl and nowadays AKA UltimateAwesomeness). But also thanks to The Wandering White and lately the NY Untermensch (in my view a horribly tasteless and sickening moniker).
Anyway, the point is (which motivates my posting after almost a year of hiatus) is that (1. Blogger sucks, and 2. Blogger sucks, and 3. Blogger sucks, and...). You have all experienced the new Blogger spam filter -- IT SUCKS!!! However, that is just yet another one of hundreds of examples of horribly tasteless and sickening Blogger bugs. Another bug that we have seen during the years is connected to the comment threads that go passed 200 comments. Before you know it, the comments over 200 won't be seen at all. Just watch Blogger screw it for you -- it's not so much a question of if, but of when. And even though I planned not to write anything more at this blog, I cannot have Blogger messing up things for you. So I'm hereby opening a new thread.
I somewhat feel like a reanimated mummy (something like from a Frankenstein movie). Polymath and RV scared life into a blog that was supposed to be dead. It's a really strange experience, since my idea of a blog was to have a place where one WRITES to others. But now for me my blog turned into a place where others have me READ stuff they write. However, I cannot say that I'm not enjoying it :-)
Anyway, here's something for you to go at:
It's from Wings of Desire (Himmel über Berlin). The scene tells us why Peter Falk decides to no longer be an angel. He says (here in Italian), as a way of explaining the essence of life on Earth: "Have a smoke, have a coffee, and if you do it together it is fantastic!" These where the reasons he chose to no longer be an angel.
[End of post]
I didn't save my comment to a file and Blogger killed it during the stupid Google login interlude! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO .......
I will try to reconstruct it.... STUPID ME!
CS, welcome back, and thanks for your kind remarks. Obviously I agree with you about Blogger. I will try and reconstruct my comment, but I'm afraid it won't be so awesome.
I have two interesting links from The Daily Caller for you. The first one addresses the Tea Partier question that RV and NYU have been debating, and appears to support NYU but in reality does the opposite. (By the way, I don't find his moniker offensive or tasteless, especially considering his background, I think it is funny and clever, though I am wondering how well he and WW will mix....)
Here is the link (if it gets caught in spam jail I will resubmit in a less convenient way):
Tea Partiers unfairly criticized as racists
Or, as Ron Schiller put it, "seriously racist, racist people".
This story notes that people who agree with "the government should do more" are more racist than people who agree with "the government is doing too much", and uses a desire for smaller government as a proxy for tea Partiers (which seems fair, that is their main unifiying theme).
But they way they measured "racism" was agreement with the statement "most Blacks/African-Americans have less in-born ability to learn".
A better interpretation of the results is that big-government types are less racist because they recognize that the government needs to be big in order to provide the needed assistance to our unfortunate darker-hued fellow citizens, while the small-government types are either idealistic idiots blind to this problem or racist meanies who don't want them to be helped (count me as a meanie).
Though a better interpretation when you look at the data properly is that the big-government liberals are only 88% brainwashed while the small-government tea party types are 95% brainwashed.
Still, I don't believe that the Tea Party activists have to be the same statistically as small-government preferrers, they should do opinion surveys at the rallies to figure this out.
The second story relates to something RV said to me today, about how the USA is at least as corrupt as her country: I agree as far as the actions of the government are concerned, it is probably even more corrupt, even if ordinary Americans are still relatively honest and trusting.
Insider trading at DOE
I had noted the attack on for-profit colleges last summer and knew it smelled fishy, but I figured it was just the education establishment lobbying for restrictions on their more market-oriented competition, a familiar type of story, deplorable but legal. However, it seems to be much worse than that. A bunch more stories like this and it will no longer be possible for the establishment to keep the lid on the tsunami of anger at the ruling elites, and it will be time for tar and feathers, torches and pitchforks.
The brilliant Mencius Moldbug has an awesome post today,
which is a followup to this one
A great thinker and a great writer -- you can disagree with him (though I don't, much) but you can't afford to ignore him.
"you can't afford to ignore him"
And yet, somehow, lots do.
Thanks for your defense of my moniker! :)
I can certainly vouch that libertarians will not support our views, and I know that many Tea Partiers will count themselves among their ranks. However, most of my friends share our overall views (i.e., we are all "anti-Semitic", "racist", "sexist", and largely "homophobic") in addition to being conservative with respect to immigration (legal and illegal) and spending.
My mother, my brother, and my best friend have all attended Tea Parties, and all of us are "racist" and anti-feminist.
My best friend is disturbed by with what he calls "heterophobia" of militant homosexuals, and especially by their alliances with Marxists; being Russian Orthodox, he refuses to help their cause. Despite this -- like my mother and my brother -- he is utterly indifferent to homosexuality per se.
You find my moniker sickening and tasteless?! Just try waking up every day of your life trapped in a Jew's body! :)
I hope you are not lapsing into PC/MC. Remember, fear of the imaginary Nazi -- as well as widespread failure to acknowledge and condemn socialist ideology on the one hand (especially of the International and Eurabian varieties) and Islam on the other as an inherently backward, despotic political system -- is leading to our civilization's demise!
Conswede and Polymath,
My moniker is supposed to horrify the weak and amuse the strong. As I'm sure Polymath knows, the stereotype of the unassimilable Marxist NY Jew with his Yiddish slang and Lower East Side, Brooklyn, or (later) Long Island accent led "New Yorker" to signify "Jew" for a long time in the US.
Apparently, Hitler believed Manhattan was the center of global Jewry, and some people have suggested this was behind the construction of the Amerika Bomber.
NYU, I find your username tasteless not because I somehow care about Nazis that much(heck, I've been called a Nazi so many times in my life that I'm pretty used to it), but because the Europe is far more than a decade in which that party ruled in Germany and I see a lot of people trapped into the mythology of that era. And hey, I hate what the Nazis were about and it isn't because I'm politically correct. I hate them for the same reason I hate communists. They were a revolutionary party that had nothing really to do with Europe or what Europe is about. I will leave ConSwede to go into detail if he feels like it, but I think what I said sums it up.
And if you feel sorry for being Jewish, stop being Jewish then. Convert, marry someone who is non-Jewish, don't teach your children anything Jewish and be done with it. Stop obsessing over it that much. I'm sure that if any of us goes behind enough in our genealogical tree, we have someone who isn't of our current ethnicity. Heck, there are some 80 generations since Jews got in Europe. Probably quite a lot of us have one Jewish ancestor.
For instance, say I loved Swedes, Sweden and wanted to move there. I'd just learn everything about Sweden, Swedish culture, learn the language and change my name to a Swedish one, marry a Swede and leave everything behind me.
I think that you are doing a selection bias in your take of the tea parties. I know a lot of people who agree with my views on race and they are also fiscally conservative. But this doesn't mean that fiscal conservative people agree with me about race. Most of the tea partiers I know wouldn't want to do nothing with people with our views.
Also, I consider someone to be a feminist as long as they think women should have political rights. Most tea partiers are feminists and typical liberals in the classical sense of the world. We should have all have universal equal rights and let people succeed or fail. And all the ones I know have no problem with minorities. lol
Rebellious Vanilla,
You are correct that the Nazis were a revolutionary (socialist) party ("National Socialist German Workers' Party"). In fact, some conservative German Resistance members asked Churchill whether he intended to destroy Germany -- they said they would support Hitler if he did -- and believed it when they received word that he didn't, as they failed to realize that the so-called "special relationship" (which arguably came at the cost of the British Empire) that then existed between America and Britain extended to the Soviet Union also. Interestingly, Roland "Raving Roland" Freisler, who presided at the trial, understood the British deceit.
Perhaps the Resistance should have supported Hitlerian rule (which is not to say that “Hitler is Germany, just as Germany is Hitler”, as Rudolf Hess once claimed) as preferable to a Stalinist takeover of Germany and Central and Eastern Europe.
I want the Jewish race to go extinct, and it would be hypocritical of me not to participate. I will never have children, because they would be at least half-Jews, and half-Jews would be subhumans like me. I cannot change my Jewishness, because it is a biological problem rooted in my Semitic bloodlines, not a problem of my knowing Jewish languages, having Jewish friends, having a Jewish name, dating Jews, celebrating Jewish holidays, or even looking Jewish, none of which apply in my case. Only a miraculous confirmation via DNA test that I am somehow not in fact of Middle Eastern ancestry could ever change this. As for your suggestion of marriage to a Gentile, I can only say that I am surprised and disappointed to see you promoting miscegenation between Jews and whites. For my part, I plan to have myself sterilized.
You are right that I don't know many Tea Partiers, and that there are many politically correct little dweeblets -- especially objectivists and other libertarians -- in the movement who love "people of color", "Latinos", "womyn", et al.
However, I think the Tea Party is a loose confederation of fiscally conservative folk; I don't see it as being concerned with social issues. Admittedly, I wouldn't feel comfortable denouncing MLK at a Tea Party in a blue state, but that's not because I wouldn't expect anyone there to agree with me. I would simply expect people like us to be in the minority in the blue states where I have spent my life, and perhaps in the majority at Tea Parties in the Deep South or in the Great Plains states.
Some glitch multiplied your comment, but then you deleted all instead of all-but-one of them so you should repost it.
I saw it in my email and I must say you are overreacting. The problem is not DNA it is culture and you don't have to worry about it. I am half-Jewish myself ethnically (the other half is English and Irish) and it is quite insignificant as far as I am concerned. There is no need to hate yourself.
New Amsterdam Self-Flagellating Masochist wrote:
You find my moniker sickening and tasteless?! Just try waking up every day of your life trapped in a Jew's body! :)
Well, if that's how you feel about it, I'm in no position to argue with that :-)
NYU continues:
I want the Jewish race to go extinct, and it would be hypocritical of me not to participate. I will never have children, because they would be at least half-Jews... (and on and on)...
I cannot tell here whether you are joking here or not, but either way it underlines and confirms my sense that there was something pathological with your moniker.
Let me add that it's hard enough being a Swede, with a clear mind that is honest vis-a-vis truth and reality, to deal with self-identity. Being a Jew, in the same "predicament", is obviously even harder.
Nevertheless, you (quite as I) will have to find a positive angle (and feeling) on this. RV provided some encouraging cues. And remember: it is better to be a Swede or a Jew than being American. The Americans are much more screwed than us in this respect.
RVakaUA wrote:
I will leave ConSwede to go into detail if he feels like it, but I think what I said sums it up.
You summed it up well. I have nothing to add. The number of people who's got this insight can be counted on the fingers of one hand of an industrial workshop worker. You're in the club :-)
Now I read more carefully your comment on the conservative German Resistance. Very interesting and insightful. This is the way I try to deal with history to, to provide novel and thought-provoking perspectives in this sort of way. Thank you for that.
And the Hess' quote you give “Hitler is Germany, just as Germany is Hitler” summarizes everything that was wrong with Nazi-Germany.
Nevertheless, as you suggested, Hitler might have been better for Europe than the combined cultural revolutions of Stalin+America that we had to suffer under in post-WWII Europe.
So let me being the one providing the perspective this time and make the comparison with China. I cannot tell which one was worse: Mao or Hitler. But one thing they have in common is that eventually they die. Yes consider the brutal destruction that Mao caused China - but look at China today! Mao died. So would a successful Hitler have done too. And regardless of his many negatives he would have kept Europe together, ready to be restored after his death. Quite as Mao did for China. Not like Stalin+America whom irreversibly destroyed Europe (America being the much worse offender in this - in collaboration with European socialists). So that might have been better for Europe. However, obviously for Jews Hitler was extremely bad news (however Islamization is just under build-up, once it's come to its conclusion we can compare).
I think this is a fair comparison. And I hope it can provide perspective on the issue, even though these are forbidden thoughts to most people. However, there is one major flaw with it. And that's that Hitler was insatiable. Which implies that Hitler virtually by definition never could have been successful. For any success he would have raised the stakes a magnitude higher. Had he defeated the Soviet Union he would have gone for America. etc. He had no sane limits. Therefore he could never have succeeded. His personality type could only accelerate the car more and more until it crashed into a rock wall. So my whole reasoning above is highly hypothetical. Nevertheless, I hope it could provide perspective.
The Arabs got Muhammad. We got Hitler. The Arabs were luckier than us. Muhammad was sensible compared to Hitler.
CS, what's so hard about dealing with identity if you are a Swede with a clear mind? Heck, I know who is Swedish and who isn't. :P I have a problem with knowing who is American though. Growing up was funny though - the white Americans were Americans to me and the black Americans were blacks. lol. As a 4 years old girl I thought that they couldn't be the same people. IT's funny that a 4 years old girl had more insight than a whole people.
From the previous thread:
@ “We are squeezed in-between them and the Tanstaafls and Chechars who (from the perspective of the reverse sort of derangement) are equally unable to discuss the issue of the Jews.”
You must not have been paying attention to my last post in our discussion at Mangan’s last year. Although Tan and MacDonald helped me greatly to grasp the JQ, I am closer to Tom Sunic or Michael O’Meara.
This is what I wrote in the featured article of my blog (slightly edited not to surpass the word-limit of a single comment):
Presently I believe that the cause of Western malaise is fourfold: (1) Liberalism, understood as the last phase of Christendom; (2) the Jewish problem that strongly catalyzes liberalism, (3) a transferential revenge from our collective unconscious as explained in my essay, and last but not least corporate capitalism: the Ring of Greed and Power.
Whoever fails to see that the greatest danger to the white people is the Western plutocracy fails to draw the key lesson of modern history. Capitalistic plutocracy is such a factor that sometimes I am tempted to imagine a socio-political-psychological reductionism when considering the other three factors.
Toward the White Republic made me see that the United States, the main lackey of the One Ring, is probably the principal enemy of white Americans. Although O’Meara accepts the Jewish Problem as a very serious problem, he believes that the real enemy is the technocratic elite of both America and Europe. The contents of page 91 of Toward the White Republic provide a very vivid illustration of how the One Ring destroyed far more our traditional culture than the communist regimes that the people of the Eastern bloc endured:
When Thomas Molnar, who played an important role in the US conservative movement of the 1960s and ’70s, returned to his native Hungary after the collapse of the Soviet empire, he found, to his astonishment, that traditional culture and education, which had virtually disappeared in the West, were still very much alive in the former Soviet bloc.
/end quote
@ “I want the Jewish race to go extinct, and it would be hypocritical of me not to participate. - NY Untermensch”
Are you familiar with the Australian P. R. Stephensen, who said that “remedy is that the Jewish Race should abolish itself”?
OMG, NYU has got a pathological moniker (but I'm actually starting to enjoy him), Chechar however was one of the main reasons that I quit blogging altogether. Please go away, Chechar! Shoo!
Well, you're the foremost non-estadounidense reason that I quit blogging. But already that is quite a feat. Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!
Some crazy kids filled my mailbox with funky cascading emails, so now it's... full. So I'm sorry, can't communicate that way right now. Chechar, don't make me close the comments to my blog too, 'cause then there's no more way to communicate with me. Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!
No goodbyes, no explanations, no excuses, just get out of here. OK?
OK, but al least release my *real* comment, the one that got stuck in Blogger’s spam system. Thanks (the other one who passed was a mere diversion).
Comment released. Now shoo!
"Open" thread my ass.
Conservative Swede:
"NYU continues:
I want the Jewish race to go extinct, and it would be hypocritical of me not to participate. I will never have children, because they would be at least half-Jews... (and on and on)...
I cannot tell here whether you are joking here or not, but either way it underlines and confirms my sense that there was something pathological with your moniker."
No, I'm not joking at all. I recognize that my views may be perceived by some as comical, but I am dead serious.
Thank you for your kind words about my comment on the conservative German Resistance, and for the interesting comparison between Hitler, Mao, and Mohammed.
Stephensen is laudable, but I had never heard of him until you mentioned him just now. Thank you!
I came to my conclusions of entirely of my own accord, and I can assure you that none of my Gentile acquaintances share my views, although I know one Jewess who does.
This website will be of interest for those wishing to continue the Zionism-Bolshevism discussion:
as will this page:
Communist Plans for Destroying America, My Personal Story
Oxford-philosopher Jan-Olof Bengtsson has started up a blog recently which is the best political blog in swedish at the moment. I find many similarities threre with things ConSwede said in here a few years ago. Eg here an analysis of the (Wilsonian) "New World Order".
Bengtsson also posts in english as in this self-presentation:
I created my own post on this topic a while back, based on Conservative Swede's work:
Jews: Socialist, Traditional, and Zionist
Of course, I would love to read any comments you may have! :)
This article reminded me of our discussion of imperialism, liberalism, and racial and cultural inferiority:
Africa and the New World Order
Conservative Swede,
You and Rebellious Vanilla have claimed that Christianity is an intrinsically anti-Western religion. In fact, pro-Western Christian factions do exist, but they tend to be marginalised -- even schmismatic (e.g., SSPX). Certainly, there are stupid passages in the Gospels about the need for self-destruction in pursuit of perfection, but the churches applied these obligations only to to the clergy in olden times.
Leo Tolstoy was correct that what that those aspects of Christianity which most Christians deem to be most fundamental to the faith are in fact the survivals of ancient European paganism, which Tolstoy himself abhorred.
As Marxist Christianity has replaced traditional Christianity rooted in the values of Greece and Rome, there has no longer been any need for us to practise this increasingly vile, anti-white religion:
The Rise of anti-Western Christianity
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