Saturday, August 25, 2007

The psychological power of PC groupthink, Swedish version

(Part of this post is in Swedish)

Jihad i Malmö commented upon the Jan Milld discussion at Gates of Vienna. He publishes fragments of the discussion in a confusing way (here and here), with the whole chronology put upside-down. Without backing it up, he declares Jan Milld a Holocaust-denier, and then me as a defender of this position. And finally Baron Bodissey as being weak on such horrible people. The old PC format once again. I didn't even bother to comment, but yesterday I ended up in a discussion with Knute at Every Kinda People. And Knute decided to side with Jihad i Malmö on this. In spite of not having a single Swede who gets what I'm saying at my blog--it's only among Americans, Eastern Europeans and Jews that I have found proper understanding so far--and in spite of Knute being a Swede (and therefore, statistically speaking, probably a hopeless case), I see him as one of the best, and therefore worthwhile to take the discussion with. I see Knute as little bit of a Swedish Baron Bodissey, in his personality type. So I have a positive image of him. But even so I will have to criticize him when he falls into common PC behaviour patterns, whether it is out of laziness or thoughtlessness. Our discussion started in this thread, about other things. Here is my reply to Knute. It's actually the very same criticism I put forward to Baron Bodissey:

Jaha. Istället för att läsa själva diskussionen på Gates of Vienna, väljer du alltså att läsa lösryckta fragment av den på Jihad i Malmö. Jihad i Malmö som vänt bakofram på hela händelseförloppet och överhuvudtaget inte fattat vad diskussionen gick ut på. Men trots att jag redan hade påpekat detta, väljer du alltså att att göra en helt ytlig bedömning baserat på detta känslosvammel.

I PC-världen anses man finare och heligare ju mer vårdslöst man använder begrepp som t.ex. rasist. De som slänger ur sig det helt utan täckning, helt baserat på känslor anses mer trogna den "rätta saken". Den som ödmjukt påpekar det vansinniga i sådan vårdslöshet med begreppen, anses av känslosvamlarna vara ond, och därmed rasist själv. Kronan på verket i hela PC-hierarkin är begreppet förintelseförnekare. Jihad i Malmö slänger vårdslöst ur sig, helt utan täckning, att Jan Milld är förintelseförnekare. Och du hänger glatt på.

Det var detta som diskussionen handlade om. Hur PC-reflexerna sitter mycket djupt bland västerlänningar, inklusive hos sådana som dig och Baron Bodissey. Baron Bodissey fattade iallafall till slut min poäng, och kanske kommer du att göra det också. Anklagelserna mot Jan Milld, från IceViking, byggde helt på intryck och antaganden. Det blir rena inkvisitionen att driva ett mål, och hänga ut någon som förintelseförnekare, helt baserat på ett resonemang som går ut på att "jag känner att det är så".

Knute: Lät som du trampade över i diskussionens hetta.

Läs hela diskussionen i sin helhet! Varje sak jag skrev hade sitt syfte i att väcka upp folk från sina känslobaserade villfarelser. Och det lyckades. Slutresultatet är den ömsesidiga respekten mellan mig och Baron Bodissey vuxit sig mycket starkare. Även om jag kan vara skarp när jag framför kritik, så har jag mycket stor respekt för någon som kan ändra sig och erkänna att han gjort fel. Baron Bodissey är en mycket stor man i mina ögon. Och jag växte i respekt i hans ögon när han hade sett min poäng. Och då skall man minnas att vi hade stor respekt för varandra redan från början.

Knute: Åtminstone ur min synpunkt som står på judarnas och Israels sida.

Min gode herre försöker antyda att jag inte står på Israel och judarnas sida? Du har uppenbarligen inte läst min blogg särskilt mycket. Då hade du kunnat följa det eviga påhoppandet på mig från Political Junkie's sida för mitt stöd till Israel. Jag intar en mycket moderat pro-Israelisk ståndpunkt, men det är samtidigt något som jag under inga omständigheter ruckar på. Det är såklart för mycket för Political Junkie.

Efter amerikaner är judar den gruppen bland vilka man hittar flest som hänger med och fattar själva grejen med mina skriverier. Det kan kontrasteras med att det hittills inte har dykt upp en endaste svensk som begriper sig på mig. Jag får positiva email inklusive ett meddelande från en judisk site som bad att få länka mig. I Sverige är gruppmentaliteten, konsensandan, stark stark. Även om viljan finns att avvika sitter mönstret så djupt. Man läser något ytligt, förvridet och känslosvamlande i Dagens Nyheter eller på Jihad i Malmö, och så hänger man på utan att ifrågasätta. Det just så PC-regimen upprätthålls. Utstuderade manipulatörer som Chomsky och Guillou är en liten minoritet. De flesta bra hänger på i den riktning som vinden blåser, simmandes mitt i stimmet. För jobbigt att kolla fakta själv. För jobbigt att tänka utanför boxen. Gå på det ytliga allmänna intrycket. Du kan nu titta in i dig själv, Knute, och få förståelse för hur dessa mekanismer ser ut. Det är en bra lärdom, för att förstå komplexiteten i det vi kämpar mot.

When I speak above about how there are no Swedes that gets me, you have to take in account that many people who support me do not get me. Some people support me for the wrong reasons or only understand singular aspects of what I'm saying. This is true also specifically about this here discussion at Gates of Vienna. I even had David Duke fans who emailed to support me. (However, in one of the cases I managed to get a site to decide to stop publishing David Duke, since I managed to get through to them how utterly moronic it is.) These people do just as much to uphold the PC shadow theater as the PC elite themselves. As I wrote at the GoV disussion:

[The Holocaust-deniers] are the most moronic people of them all. There's no people helping cementing the reigning PC rule more than them. They voluntarily jump up on the stage of the shadow theater in the Platonic cave with a self confessed "I'm evil". Nothing helps the dynamics of the shadow theater more than that. These are the greatest friends of the PC elite. Without them, the PC elite cannot uphold the image of themselves as brave fighters against evil (in fact a superficial fight against something completely harmless).

This is a deeply Christian pattern. We saw the same play under the heydays of the Catholic Church. Self-confessed sinners, satanists, etc. People with a negative self-image and full of Christian guilt (quite as your average neo-Nazi), indulging in the Christian concepts of self-sacrifice and original sin, throwing themselves onto the stage of the shadow theater. I cannot imagine any people who are more stuck in the box of Christian ethics. They just cannot leave the box. They stay within the box, but switch side to "evil" (and this is also how they see themselves). And listen to their arguments against Israel. The worst sort of Christian inversion of values where power is evil and the weak are good: Israel is bad because it shows strength; Israel is "racist", etc. Precisely as the worst sort of leftists. Perverted! And very very supportive of the reigning PC rule. The PC elite loves them.

The way to counter the myths and dogmas around the Holocaust is not by creating another myth: that the Holocaust didn't happen. But this is how 99% of the people react. A sound rational view upon facts is extremely rare, people fall in either of the two mythological categories. Emotionalism, mythology and groupthink is the greatest huggy bear to humans. This is why the Platonic cave is the most accurate scientific model of a human society.

When I criticize America I'm bound to get cheers from some moronic anti-Americans, people whose worldview is far more different from mine than the one of Americans themselves. Likewise when I criticize Christianity, I'm bound to receive cheers from Christianity and religion haters, that I have nothing in common with. As I have repeatedly stated, Americans and Christians are over-represented among the people that gets me. And again, when I criticize the way the Holocaust has been made into a myth, the very core myth of the PC regime. I'm bound to get cheers from moronic anti-Semites. These people who do more than anyone else to uphold the PC world order. And apart from being leftists, permeated by slave morality, they support radical Islam. They are clearly a main enemy. As I wrote in one of my emails:

I see that you publish David Duke. You might as well have published Cindy Sheehan or Ahmadinejad. David Duke is an explicit ally of the Jihadists, our eternal enemy. I wouldn't publish in the same place as him.

Look at these video clips from MEMRI-TV. Follow the link, or go to and search for "david duke". See the clips or read the transcripts.

He's very comfortable speaking in front of a Muslim mob, declaring his explicit support for them. And apart from his support for "the peace-loving people of Syria" and their president, he also informs us that he admires Ken Livingstone.

I'm all in favour of diversity of opinion. But why don't you publish Cindy Sheehan and Ahmadinejad too then? They are the ones that would go along with David Duke. I cannot publish at a site that is so openly flirting with Islamists and leftists.

Update: Knute has already answered my comment. He writes "Jag vet inte hur pass medvetet provokativ jag var, men nog fick jag svar på tal!" Translation: "I'm not sure how consciously provocative I was, but CS certainly answered back!" So why do I confront nice and non-confrontational people such as Baron Bodissey and Knute? Why do they deserve it? They deserve it because they are thinking people who can take an argument. I do it because it gives result. While e.g. an eternal tit for tat with IceViking or a David Duke fan would just be a complete waste of time.

[End of post] Read further...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Good-bye, Charles Martel. Hello, Tiny Muskens

Geza sent me this quote of Steve Burton at What’s Wrong with the World:

"Centuries ago, Christianity, in practice, was a fascinating amalgam of fundamentally contradictory elements: on the one hand, the other-worldly, pacifistic doctrine of the gospels; on the other hand, the warrior ethos of the Germanic tribes that conquered and (sort of) converted to the new faith. But today? The last remnants of that warrior ethos are draining away. Soon, all that may be left of institutional Christianity are a few traces of the other-worldly and the pacifistic.

Good-bye, Charles Martel. Hello, Tiny Muskens."
[bolding by Geza]

Tiny Muskens. is the Dutch bishop who said "Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will call God Allah?"

Geza comments:
The more thoroughly Christian or liberal we become, the more we lose our will to survive. Christianity and liberalism are not interested in preserving peoplehood rather, both ideologies are more interested in projecting their worldview to the rest of the world. Both ideologies could care less about the consequences of their universal ideas since martyrdom for the sake of an idea is the reward if they fail in their goals. It's nice to see that the TradCons are starting to realize that the West may need a little more than Christianity if it wishes to survive.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Brussels a go go

I've been giving a far too negative impression about the 9/11 Brussels demo in my comments at Gates of Vienna. Okay, shortly after my first comment I wrote this:

I'm sorry that I wrote something that appeared so negative about this planned event. I think the planned 9/11 demonstration is a great idea and very important. Even though media will distort the whole thing (but we knew that all from the start, right?), the visibility of our kind of anti-Jihadism is a very important one, nevertheless. People have not seen such groups at all before. For those who are brave enough to go there, they will be doing something very important.

The negative tone of what I wrote is about the situation as a whole, not about the idea of this demonstration. But this also means that propaganda-wise this manifestation cannot make it worse, only better!

But after reading Stephen Gash's comment I woke up to the fact of how way out of line that I had actually been. Not so much in what I said, but in the context and timing of it. Anyway, I'm very glad to see how the things I wrote struck a chord with many people, and we should move along with such ideas, but everything has its proper time. And now it's all about the Brussels demo. In spite of what I have written, there's no way around this. This is a step that has to be taken before anything else could be done. We have to act as the good guys. We have to exhaust this way of acting before going to the next phase. The important thing is how we look in the eyes of ordinary people. Therefore: We have to ask permission for a demonstration. We have to invite to a good democratic dialog in the most honest and open kind of way. So yes, I would myself have planned this event exactly like SIOE, and I fully support their actions and plans after the denial of permission for the demo from the Mayor. I already wrote a long comment about this at Gates of Vienna 9 hours ago, but it all got washed away in the Google server crash. So here I'm writing it again. Since then Fjordman has weighted in on the issue. "Don’t Give in to Intimidation" he says. Exactly! I've been describing the general picture as a situation of warfare. But warfare is about psychology and propaganda even before it is about violence.

My mistake in all this has been that due to the fact of my recent identity crisis and general lamentation mode, when I read the Baron's post what resonated with my current emotions was the misery of the whole situation. I saw the thing I'm about to write about already then, but my emotions didn't drive me in that direction at the time, so I ignored it. The thing is, there's something very fishy about that email. The email quoted by the Baron by the end of his post. Let's have a look at it again:

I should warn you that the Mayor is setting a trap! He intends deploying large numbers of territorial riot police and using them to beat the crap out of us as an object lesson. This will be meant to serve as the first lesson of obedience and warning to all those that oppose the Islamisation of the EU. I just thought you would all like to know. The Russians and Nazi used similar tactics. He is priming the public to view us as criminals. Then he moves in the boot boys and they will hand out everything they can muster.

I have seen this all before!

I am thinking about whether it is sensible to go! I do not want my skull kicked in and then be put on trial on trumped up charges. It would only serve their cause and we have more important work to do than succumb to what is in effect entrapment. These are Belgian police not cuddly politically correct British coppers.

Be prepared for deliberate provocation and bullying on the slightest excuse.

This email is all veiled intimidation. How the Mayor is setting a trap. How the Belgian police is so much more brutal then anywhere else, and will specifically target SIOE people to beat the crap out of them. How the likely result of a trip to Brussels is a kicked-in skull.

"I have seen this all before!" writes the "European contact" of the British contact of Baron Bodissey (who is this guy?). But no, we have never seen anything like this before! Yes, the PC society is like a thick wet blanket, it's suffocating and it's virtually impossible to get through. The deck is stacked against us, sure. But whenever before have traps been set up against us? Why would the PC society even need to set up traps? All the components of the PC society naturally works against us anyway, as if guaranteed by an invisible hand. All parts: police, leftist street thugs, media, courts, etc. There's no need for them to conspire against us, and I never heard of them doing so. And I never heard of any demo incident leading to cracked skulls. Have anyone else? The situation in Brussels 9/11 is no different from other demos. We already know this kind of situation from our home countries. People know from working with BNP, Sverigedemokraterna, Vlaams Belang, etc. This is a very familiar situation, not the horror story of that email. PC Belgium is, after all, not Nazi Germany or Communist Russia. Yes, the democracy is brutalized, our right to open meetings is raped, there is intimidation, material destruction, ostracism and bruises. Tough stuff as it is. But whenever have we seen cracked skulls, traps and conspiracies?

And whenever did we have large numbers of territorial riot police deployed at us "to beat the crap out of us as an object lesson"? Never. This sounds like a victimization fantasy, just the way like the leftists describe Americas objectives in Iraq. The comparison is made with the Nazis and the Soviets, the emailer is painting the image of how we would meet the likes of Nazi troops (as he said the Belgian police is more brutal...). This is ridiculous. The Nazis and the Soviets put strength before goodness. The nature of Western civilization is to put goodness first. They will never act as Nazi police. When I describe things as a theater here in my blog I mean something very real with it. This theater is the first and most important way in which people experience things. Their first and highest level of reality (subjective of course). According to this theater the PC elite and the police are the good ones, and see themselves as such. So whatever they do, they will have to act within this framework. This is the simple reason why they will never act as Nazi troops aiming for beating the crap out of us to nullify us, crack our skulls, etc. The AFA people will act more or less as Soviets of course, but they are not the highest power. And the police are not in collusion with them, even though it might appear so at times (that invisible hand effect). The police will be aiming for hindering violence to happen.

This email is planted among us only to have an intimidating effect. To spread fear among us. This email completely animates superstition and junk, and we should not pay any attention to it at all. I'm very sorry that my first answer to the post of the Baron, ignored the effect of this email. I should have started in this end directly. Stephen Gash makes some very good points about it. Let's repeat his message:

This article has been the most damaging for the Brussels demo yet.

If you were trying to keep people from going to Brussels you couldn't have done a better job than this article.

Anonymous emails are worthless, they could have come from Thielemans's office itself.

Threats, like those described in the article here, are even more likely to come from people who want the demo to not happen as those who really support the demo, but are concerned about violence.

The article warns that we should be careful of police or other infiltrators trying to start violence to discredit the SIOE demo and get participants arrested, yet we are expected to believe what's written in emails!?

Get to Brussels. Fortune favours the brave.

We should be suspicious about infiltrators among our ranks during the demo, but emails like this one are swallowed hook, line and sinker!!?? That is crazy of course. The email paints a situation that strikes fear within us, but this is also its only purpose. Every single sentence in this email is coined to maximize this purpose, and to make people stay home from the demo. Warfare is not violence first, first it is psychology.

We know these kind of demos since before. It's the same kind as we had at home in our own countries. There are no traps set up by the highest office, there are no riot police with the instruction to beat the crap out of demonstrators. There are no cracked skulls.

Will power is number one. It is important that people do not back off from the Brussels demo now. Even if there can only be a symbolic non-protest protest, it is important to be there and to have been there in good numbers. Otherwise it's a major setback for our movement that might be hard to recover from, and any creative ideas for the future (some I which I wrote about myself, irresponsibly with improper timing I admit now) would most likely be useless then.

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Geza on Derbyshire on Spencer

Geza, the one and only guest columnist of this blog, sent me the following comments, yesterday, to John Derbyshire's review of Robert Spencer's book "Religion of Peace?". Penetrating analysis and interesting remarks as always from Geza. We are also awaiting Lawrence Auster's "review" of Derb's review.

Here's Geza:


Derb has written a review on Spencer's new book and I was wondering if you read it. Despite his idiocy regarding Islam, he makes some good points and talks about the inverted ethics of Christianity and separationism.

He blames globalization on Christianity which I think he is right but I think capitalism shares an equal amount of blame. Christianity did put colonialism into overdrive and made a complete mess of it (for us).

Here is where I think Derbyshire is wrong:

"Spencer's more general assumption that our civilization is a child of Christianity can likewise be fairly doubted. Does religion in fact explain anything about history? It is of course impossible to know how different the world would have been if Jesus of Nazareth, or Mohammed, had died in the cradle; but the suspicion lurks that it might not have been very different. Would the Arabs have come surging out of their desert oases in the seventh century without the Prophet and his faith to inspire them? Would Frankish knights have taken ship to recover the Holy Land, if they had not considered it Holy, only a lost province of the Roman Empire? Would white Europeans have developed science and consensual democracy if they had been only white Europeans, not also Christians?"

The Arabs were too divided to do anything before Muhammad began his ministry. The fatalism which is intrinsic in the Arabs (even pre-Islamic) would have ensured that they stayed divided and unorganized. Science as we know it today I think would have developed with the Europeans due to their high IQ and their special way of thinking (which is quite different from the high IQ East Asians). Things obviously would have been different if Derbyshire is to claim that globalization was caused by Christianity. Either it wouldn't exist or exist in a very restricted form. That right there is a big change, but for the better! This is where Derbyshire's zoology-lite gets him, thinking religion has next to no effect on history. How can that be when politics in itself is derived from religion?

And again:

"One cannot help noticing that in Japan, where Christians form less than one percent of the population, and Christian traditions are not a significant component of the national culture, Islam is neither a problem nor a threat, simply because Japan does not let Muslims—nor any other foreigners—settle in great numbers. The Japanese don't give a fig for the universal brotherhood of man, and still cherish their national sovereignty. We no longer care much about our sovereignty, so long as our bellies are full and we have gadgets and clowns to amuse us; and our bishops, not to mention our Christian President and the globalist elites who surround him, tell us that doubts about the wisdom of mass Third World immigration are unkind, if not actually "hateful" (not to mention damaging to their stock portfolios)."

The Japanese don't care about universalism because it doesn't appeal to their people. It is not their tradition and to them it seems like a foreign curiosity but nothing that should be seriously considered. Not only is this true about the Japanese but all non-Europeans. Egalitarianism is an anomaly only found in European nations. Diversity exists outside of Europe but not in the same sense it does in the West. The laws can be arbitrary and assimilation isn't implemented nor is it even tried.

Japan has been monoracial since its inception as a nation and it has a long history of isolating itself from the rest of the non-Japanese world. A counterpoint to Derb: South Korea is 26% Christian and growing and it is still monoracial, even more so than Japan. Japan is 98% Japanese whereas South Korea is 99.6% Korean. China is also another success story that boasts a 91% ethnic Han majority (the largest race on earth) and Christianity is gaining ground there as well. The lack of Christianity isn't the reason why East Asian countries are so successful with banning non-desirables from coming into their respective nations, but rather it is their attachment to their ethnopolitical ideology, Confucianism, that stops all pleas to open up the borders to the rest of the world. Asians know that their political system only works for them and that their culture cannot be adopted by a non-Asian and that is why they would laugh at any liberal in the face if they tried to argue that an Arab, a Somali, or even a Frenchman could "assimilate" into the culture of Japan, Korea, or China.

And on to his conclusion:

"A sensibly exclusionist, separationist policy like Japan's is therefore not available to us, because of our principles—those principles Spencer tells us are rooted in Christian thinking, those principles that send our author into such raptures of cultural superiority. Well, well: Christianity got its start as a religion of slaves. Perhaps it is fated to end the same way."

Wrong. Liberalism is only a symptom but the cause of it losing our identity slowly over time. We simply do not know who we are anymore. Just "Christians", "Americans", or "Europeans", or even the dreaded "Citizens of the World". All of these definitions are vague and that is how we define ourselves today. We cannot even bring ourselves to say that we are white without feeling ashamed, let alone say where we are from or rattle off (or even remember?) which villages our ancestors came from. You cannot exclude something if you do not know what should be included.


[End of post]

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The clash of the cleavage

Lawrence Auster comments on Caroline Flint's cleavage:

In many cases [women] make it all too clear that they don't take their jobs seriously, and that their jobs are a vehicle for the expression of their vanity; or, as in Flint's case, for the display of their breasts. Can you imagine a male cabinet officer going around in a shirt open to his mid-chest? The presence of women such as Caroline Flint in high office is an unfunny, nihilistic joke, a symbol of a civilization that doesn't respect itself and doesn't want to survive.
Mary Jackson (the latest disciple of the Undercover Black Man conspiracy), polemicized against this:
So Flint went into politics to bare her Bristols? And never thought of Page Three of The Sun? My goodness. She must be topless. Let’s have a look, shall we?
No, let's have a look at Bernard-Henri Lévy instead:

Look at his face! This is a man who is dead serious. He walks around all day showing his nipples in public. He's a philosopher. You cannot get more serious than that. This is his no-bullshit pose with his unbuttoned shirt. He hasn't developed much of breasts yet. But with age and authority--and with increasing wisdom as philosopher--I'm sure he will have developed a proper cleavage, to match his pretty nipples; those nipples that the French intellectuals can never get enough of. He's one of the most popular topless acts in France and gets invited to many venues.

Mary Jackson continues to polemicize against Auster:
And if I were to get above myself and attempt to form an opinion, it would change along with my oestrogen-induced mood-swings. So naturally I must look to an intellectual – and a man – for my views.
Look up intellectual in a proper encyclopédie, and you will find a photo of Bernard-Henri Lévy. This is the kind of serious man that you would want to ask for guidance. Just don't get mesmerized by his nipples.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Waiting for the numbers

I got a lot of positive reactions to my previous post, in the Gates of Vienna thread, where it was originally written as a comment. The Baron himself was kind enough to populate my blog and give a comment here. He wrote "Our advantage is that we do have the numbers. But whether those numbers can be roused short of the nukes is anybody's guess." Well, I agree of course. Previously he had written:

The only possible advantages we will have will be the rightness of our cause, and superior numbers.

The first of those is taken care of. Can we manage the second?
As you all know, I'm sort of a skeptic regarding Christianity-Democracy-America. But if I would share some words of hope along this line, I would use the help of John Reilly (and Peggy Noonan). John Reilly, who is a very nice and interesting blogger, if you like history and the long view (which I do), wrote the following back in 2004:

There is an old theory on the reactionary right (the real reactionary right, not to be confused with conservatives or libertarians). It holds that liberal democracies are doomed, because, in international affairs, they necessarily lacked the persistence and focus of autocracies. Sometimes, when I listen to John Kerry or Howard Dean, I start to think this too, but it's nonsense: the historical record is clear that liberal societies beat every other kind of society hollow. A clue to why this should be may be found in Peggy Noonan's March 25 column on the recent 911 hearings:

One summer day in the late 1990s I had a long talk with an elected official who was a friend and longtime political supporter of President Clinton. I asked him why, if Bill Clinton cared so much about his legacy, he didn't take steps to make America safer from terrorism. Why didn't he make it one of his big issues? We were at lunch in a New York restaurant, and I gestured toward the tables of happy people drinking golden-colored wine in gleaming glasses. They're all going to get sick when we get nuked, I said; they'd honor your guy for having warned and prepared. Yes, the official said, but you have to understand that Clinton is purely a poll driven politician, and if the numbers aren't there he won't move.

Too bad, I thought, because the numbers will someday be there.

The strength of democracy is that sometimes the numbers are there. That is more than even the most fearsome totalitarian state can say. The Soviet Union collapsed because its rulers never really thought of themselves as legitimate, and so never dared asked their people for anything more than submission. Nazi Germany lost the Second World War because the leadership feared to risk unpopularity by putting the economy on a war footing. Britain, in contrast, was the most thoroughly mobilized of all the combatants; even more so than Stalin's USSR. The very qualities that enabled Britain to do that, however, also made it possible for the country to entertain the self-delusion and evasion that prevailed in the 1930s. Sometimes, what looks like a fatal weakness is really a latent strength.

So if there is a God, who will guarantee a correlation between good acts and success, this is it. Democracy will win. It will happen painfully slow, some tens of millions of extra lives will be sacrificed, but everything will end well. But I guess I'm one of those real reactionary rightists that John Reilly talks about, because I'm skeptical.

Yes, it worked last time, obviously. But that time they had a much simpler situation to deal with. Once they woke up to the situation, they had proper democracies, proper nations of people co-operating on the inside as the home front, against an external enemy met in conventional warfare where the combatants where properly dressed in uniforms. We have none of these advantages in our current situation. It's exactly or democracy that is dying, our demos is breaking apart. And the Muslims won't be putting on uniforms and line up nicely on a battlefield. In this war there is no home front, no safe havens. Our very countries (our home streets) are the battlefields, and the enemies (whether Muslim or PC) are right among us, right under our skins.

And no matter how despicable Chamberlain, Leon Blum, etc. were in their appeasement of Hitler. The were never actually siding with the Nazis against the people of their own countries, such as the appeasement elites of today are doing. They were never staging the kind of witch-hunts against anti-Nazis as the current "world community" elites of today are doing. They never launched the kind of stormtroopers against the anti-Jihadists as the PC elites of today are doing. They were just very weak leaders. But they didn't hate their own people and their own nations. They didn't actively collaborate with the Nazis/Jihadists. But this is what our elites of today are doing.

The whole basis for John Reilly's reasoning is that: this is how a democracy functions. My counter-argument is: very well so, but this is no longer a democracy.

Democracy or not, what will happen with those numbers? How will it turn out? When will they come? What will the situation look like by then? I will have reason to come back to this.

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Guerrilla warfare

In his post The Criminalization of Peaceful Protest, Baron Bodissey describes the situation around the planned 9/11 demonstration in Brussels. Mayor Thielemans has made it clear that anyone who intends to participate is a criminal under Belgian and European law. Baron Bodissey continues to describe the situation:

Let’s not be babes in the woods about this. The deck is stacked against us.

I wrote yesterday about the autonomer in Denmark and their tougher cousins in Brussels. Assume that these anarchists of the “Antifascist Action” squads will be out in full force in Brussels. Assume also that the Belgian riot police will be primed to suppress the slightest hint of questionable behavior by the SIOE demonstrators, while turning a blind eye to anything that the AFA goons do in response.

Expect that agents provocateurs will be planted among us. The guy standing next to you with the “Say NO to Sharia” sign may be an AFA plant or even a police infiltrator. When he lobs a rock over your head into the police lines and then disappears, it will be you who get cracked in the skull by a police baton, with a free ride to the hoosegow to follow, courtesy of Belgium’s finest.

Any media coverage of the event will be artfully edited to place SIOE in the worst possible light. If a neo-Nazi skinhead finds his way into our ranks, you can guarantee that the footage of him will be looping over and over again that night on TV screens all over the world. The counterprotesters — with their all-inclusive peace ’n’ love Multicultural signs and tame imams uttering perfectly-phrased bromides into the microphones — will be featured in the best news spots and sound bites of the event, complete with subtitles in all the relevant languages.

We will be caught between a rock and a hard place, with the police on one side and the autonomer on the other. Both will be better-armed and meaner than we are. Both will have the iron fist of sympathetic media coverage multiplying their firepower.

The only possible advantages we will have will be the rightness of our cause, and superior numbers.

To this I answered in the comments section:
Yes, I think this is more or less how it would happen. And the best case scenario is the same, but without the neo-Nazi in our ranks, and without any cracked skulls. But the media coverage will be the very same any way, and the whole thing is likely to end up as a disappointment for our side and a victory for the PC elite, AFA and the Muslims.

This puts the finger on our greatest weakness: our honesty and willingness for dialog. It's been clear to me for quite some time back that this issue is not going to be resolved by dialog within a democratic framework. This is a situation of warfare and can only be handled as such. Democracy is already dead. We shouldn't ask permission for manifestations, and give the police, the AFA groups and the Muslims time to mobilize against us. I think it is better to do smart actions, Greenpeace style, where everyone is taken by surprise. I think we should think in terms of guerrilla warfare (propaganda style). And even if these groups (police, AFA, Muslims) are all the extended arms of the PC establishment octopus, it should be possible to manipulated them into fighting each other.

But maybe some honest anti-Jihadists need to get their skulls cracked first, before people will see it as the guerrilla warfare I think it will actually have to be. It comes with the package of Christian ethics. Just like we have to wait for some Islamic nukes to kill some hundreds of thousands of us, before we would do anything to put a decisive end to the Islamic empire.

Our advantages, that we could exploit, is having an underground network. Being able to act smartly, by knowing our enemies. E.g. Muslims are very easy to fight, because they are so dumb. I do not know if the story is true, but I heard about American troops going into a street in Iraq with loud speakers where a voice shouted in Arabic "you are all impotent and cowards, etc.". The "insurgents" came out of the houses in rage with rallying cries and could easily be shot down. This really works!

I'm sure that if we put our mind to it that we would be able to stage situations where the leftists, the Muslims and the police would be in street wars with each other. Since democracy is dead, and we are prey to naked brutal power, it would be good if that actually showed in the streets where we live.

Honesty and willingness for dialog are our strong sides when acting on the Internet. But when we want to take it beyond that and into the real world, it becomes weaknesses instead. In the real world our best shot is guerrilla warfare. Burning of Muhammad effigies and pouring pigs blood on mosques are small steps in this direction.

At least this is true for countries such as Belgium and Sweden. In Denmark and America honest dialog in the public arena is still possible.

Nevertheless, the Internet activists, the honest and truthful ones, are not the good fist-fighters. Looking at recent events in e.g Holland and England it seems that it's rather the generally despised hooligan types, who do not care if they get their skull cracked, that will stand up and take the street fights for our side.

I'm going to drop "conservative" as part of my nickname. One of the reasons is that the right-wing never can get anything done. We'll have to think as leftists if we are going to win this.

The best shot for the right-wing to get anything done is a military coup. But where's the military? For the countries in the most developed stages of this pathology, such as Belgium and Sweden, a military coup is no longer an option. There simply is no military around that could do it. The only country that is powerful enough do reverse the whole situation is America. But America can only act within the framework of Christian ethics. So what we can expect is the same as what we saw from the Crusaders: too little, too late and with no lasting effects. Maybe we should just wait for those Islamic nukes, and hope that the Americans will have the sense to retaliate with nukes in the proper strategic places.

It's funny how the people still use the Crusades as a symbol for Western strength. To me it's the most clear symbol of Western weakness vis-a-vis Islam, and shows why we must leave Christian mentality before we will be able to deal decisively with Islam.

[End of post]
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The coffee klatch has judged me

It all started with Lawrence Auster and his "Chicken Little" reaction to my pointed criticism. Unlike real men, such as Baron Bodissey, Auster reacted with a whole stream of cry-baby whining about how I was rude, hostile, aggressive, insulting, etc., etc. And then continued with his coffee klatch Freudian psychobabble.

Now Vanishing American joins the coffee klatch at John Savage's Brave New World, writing:

[Conservative Swede] visited my blog once and left a sort of snarky comment mentioning Christianity negatively; I don't remember the substance of it.
To which John Savage replies:
VA, I'm sorry that CS was rude to you. I understand why he probably would be, and I won't be surprised if he ends up doing the same to me.
The coffee klatch has already judged me. But let's have a look at what I actually wrote at Vanishing American's site. VA had published Fjordman's article "A Christian Background for Political Correctness?", where I was mentioned. And I made the following comment, and VA answered.
Conservative Swede:
For those interested in the discussions I had with Fjordman, about the role of Christian ethics, I invite you to read my blog: Conservative Swede. Is Christian ethics truly a major force behind the suicide of our civilization?

Vanishing American:
Conservative Swede, interesting blog. I agree with much of what you say.
However I think the problem is not Christianity per se but the modern, liberalized variation of it, [...]
So this is what was really said. But what does truth matter to a coffee klatch? And the thing is that when a coffee klatch has turned against you, there's no way you can get it right, no way to obtain redress. When you describe how ludicrous their claims of your rudeness are, they will take this as the decisive evidence of how they are right about you. They stick together. and emotions and group identity are more important than truth.

Update: John Savage decided not to join the coffee klatch.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just a note

I think I might have found myself a new career in the entertainment business (and while I'm at it I'd like to affirm my recognition to black culture for their wonderful and essential contributions to music and dancing). So I might not be able to blog so much. Expect me to come back at an irregular basis.

What I just wanted to say is that when I get the time to write again I will have several positive things to say about Baron Bodissey and Gates of Vienna. Baron Bodissey gained a lot of respect from me. Not mainly for reconsidering, but for the whole way he handled the situation. I had directed very pointed critique at him, but he handled it respectfully and decently as someone honestly interested in intellectual discourse. This should be contrasted with the actions of Lawrence Auster (which you can read about below in the blog). The View from the Right blog has lost much of my respect.

Another thing, after my "I'm an island" post many people concluded that I had given up and also that I said that Western civilization is doomed. But I didn't say that Western civilization is doomed. The point is that I do not care anymore. I'm leaving the destiny of the Western civilization to the people of the two Christianities. I'm leaving the mess that they create for themselves, for themselves to sort out. And by the emails and other comments I get, it's clear that my island is becoming populated. If I get the time to blog more regularly again, I'm sure it would be crowded. The end of the West is not the end of European civilization, no more than the end of the Roman empire was the end of European civilization. From this island we will watch the civilization of the two Christianities falling apart (this reflects an attitude rather than a prediction), while getting prepared for building the third generation of European civilization, Rebuilding Rome with sugar on the top.

I get comments from people nowadays of how great they think it is to meet a person that is so completely happy, and how I spread happiness around me. I have found balance in my life, and unfortunately right now it does not allow for too much blogging. But don't worry, the things I have to say can be equally well said a few months from now.

Paul Belien also won my sympathy. I can see myself in him. And it's great with comments as the one from Phanarth from Denmark, who completely gets what I'm saying. He writes at GoV:

Your voice has been unique. I have never seen anyone like you who understood how most of the things American conservatives blame Europe for are in fact imports from America. You are one of the very few who see things clearly and can also explain it in an understandable way.
I hope Phanarath would send me an email to conswede (at) like so many others of those who gets me.

There also an endless stream of golden nuggets sent to me by Geza, that should be shared with the world.

Update: Lawrence Auster commented again at his site, and while he himself is often blind to a good sense of humour (and in general blind to many things that do not relate to his ego), his posts have been getting increasingly funnier, and now they are absolutely hilarious. Me and Political Junkie had a good laugh over Auster's pompous silliness, and his new career as a Freudian Guru.
Anyway, Auster doesn't get what I'm saying, and he doesn't even try. Who cares anymore?

Update 2: I have written a post regarding Auster's reaction to my comment in the first paragraph: On black culture, Islam and "moral thinking"

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Gee, can't you leave me alone :-)

Gee, I just saw that Paul Belien quoted me too.

Yesterday I had an epiphany. The bad signs from the people I had previously put hope in had piled up, and yesterday came the last blow that made the picture complete. I opened a bottle of wine and called my best friend. I described the full picture to her, and the futility of it all, and how I had come to a closure. Then I finished the bottle of wine while writing my "I'm an island" post. I've been thinking for a while about how to formulate a hiatus or goodbye post, not really knowing what I wanted, It's not until I get filled with a decisive emotion that I know what to do and what to write, such as it happened to me yesterday. The emotion was "I'm out of here", "I'm gonna disconnect", and that allowed me for spilling it out. A paradox, the decision not to write any more made me write.

At the core theme of this post was my disconnection and strong criticism of my blogroll shortlist blogs (the ones I read regularly): View from the Right, Brussels Journal, and Gates of Vienna. And within 24 hours they all link and quote me favorably. The quote at Gates of Vienna is by Fjordman (whom I didn't put under much heat, but I did the site of GoV). Even Lawrence Auster writes nicely about me, he's even trying to be helpful in finding me a new moniker. He doesn't go nuts as the last time. And this in spite of me presenting mush stronger and more devastating criticism of him than last time, and directed exclusively at him and not at Jim Kalb. And now Paul Belien. Gee guys, can't you leave me alone! :-)

During my summer break much has been going through my mind. I have rearranged my life and job situation, so now I don't have time to blog anymore. I have filled my life with other things. So don't encourage me! Why is it that these people who I criticize, and lately even want to detach from, are the ones the find me interesting and refer to me favourably? I'm not saying they like me, but it's clear that they appreciate me and find me interesting. My secret dream had always been to have an audience of secular liberals (or rather non-believing ordinary people). They are the ones that should be ripe for the purge of the last elements of Christianity that I'd like to offer--I thought. But no show. Instead I get the Christian pro-Americans. Misunderstand me right here. I think you are great people. But when I was still full of weltschmerz and blogging lust I had the idea of a Tordesillas kind of demarcation line across the Atlantic Ocean leaving the for the Americans to attempt to reinstall the Christian God, while the Europeans should be pushed out of Christianity altogether. The latter one I considered my domain. But no show.

The appreciative responses I've got has come disproportionally from Christian Americans or pro-Americans. Yet another paradox. Does this mean I have to reevaluate my view? Or should I just accept that the world is full of paradoxes? I often wondered recently: Why does Lawrence Auster link and comment upon my posts? I just have this mini-blog that nobody would care about otherwise. He could easily just have ignored me. The same with Paul Belien. Everytime I write something strongly critical about him he links and quotes from that post (even though he doesn't quote those parts). Then it strikes me how they are just lonely alienated guys, just like I am. Driven by curiosity, constantly searching searching. Wanting to bring things to the surface in order to find answers. Of course we have a lot in common!

Back to my secret plan. The post-Christian seculars should be ridiculed out of their Christian ethics. Since they despise Christianity so much I figured that constantly pointing out to them how they act like priestly Christians, yes even Christian fanatics, would be the way of purging them of their slave morality. Someone should draw a cartoon called "The Leftist" featuring monk-looking figures running around like anti-globalist in the street throwing stones--exposing their fanaticism and superstition.

I've been called a prima donna and yes I am. I'm a sensitive soul, and my process of thinking takes quantum leaps by periods of passionate devotion, when I'm all possessed by the fervor. It gets started when I see an anomaly in a picture and a new period of fervor is launched, trying to find a perspective from which to set the picture right. And yes there is pain an agony in these periods. So please don't encourage me!

I'm never going to be anything even close to a poet. My mind is far too square for that. But apart from this, the following quote of Kirkegaard struck a chord within me already as a young man:

What is a poet? An unhappy man who conceals profound anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so fashioned that when sighs and groans pass over them they sound like beautiful music. His fate resembles that of the unhappy men who were slowly roasted by a gentle fire in the tyrant Phalaris' brazen bull—their shrieks could not reach his ear to terrify him, to him they sounded like sweet music. And people flock about the poet and say to him: do sing again; Which means, would that new sufferings tormented your soul, and: would that your lips stayed fashioned as before, for your cries would only terrify us, but your music is delightful. And the critics join them, saying: well done, thus must it be according to the laws of aesthetics. Why, to be sure, a critic resembles a poet as one pea another, the only difference being that he has no anguish in his heart and no music on his lips. Behold, therefore would I rather be a swineherd on Amager and be understood by the swine than a poet, and misunderstood by men.
My words would strike people as structures of angular metal rather than anything like the sweet music described above. But it's equally true that the day my soul is no more tormented with new sufferings I would have nothing more to write. And even if I did, I wouldn't know where to start. Not without a decisive emotion driving me. And I actually do not want to do this, I'm looking for a way out. Right now I looking to be a swineherd among swines.

Update: Hmm. I just remembered. A similar thing happened two months ago. Calling the same friend. Likewise declaring that this is it, that I will quit blogging. During my period as Christian civilizationist I had made good friends with great people. I knew, and at this point I felt strongly, how my strong criticism of Christian ethics and the Vatican II would forever change the nature of my friendship with these people. I could see clearly that the phantasmagorian answers I would get in return would make me lose my respect for them, and that to them I'd be a henchman of the evil side. I felt strongly that it wasn't worth it. That friendship is more important than politics. But in the nakedness of this certainty, when relaxing in the completion of the decision, that inner voice appeared saying "No!". And I wrote my series of five articles about Catholicism in one go.

[End of post] Read further...

Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm an island

I'm an island. I do not belong anywhere. I'm questioning the meaning of my blogging. I'm questioning the moniker I have adapted. "Conservative" like whom? Like View from the Right? Like Paul Belien? Like Gates of Vienna? No, no, and no. And definitely not like MajorityRights or Jim Kalb. And of course not like neocons and paleocons.

The West consists of Christians and post-Christians, the latter better known as liberals. And of course the fringe group of far whitists (neo-Nazis or otherwise). All three groups having more in common with each other than I have with them. All stuck in Christian slave morality. The liberals and neo-Nazis doing everything to oppose and leaving Christianity but only managing to get even more deeply stuck in Christian slave morality, exposing even more of the whining priestly Jewish attitude, participating even more eagerly in the Christian shadow theater down in that Platonic cave.

We are witnessing the historical demise of Christianity. When a star dies, in its last phase it expands into a red giant, before it shrinks into a white dwarf. Liberalism is the red giant of Christianity. And just as a red giant it is devoid of its core, it expands thousandfold while losing its substance and is about to die. The world I live in consists of Christians and liberals. It's their world and I do not belong to them. I leave their limited wars, knee-jerk Islam apologism and WWII mythology to them. They are not about to change. On the contrary, they are continuously generating new problems with their way of acting.

There were certain sites, certain bloggers, even certain countries, that I had put hope in. But now it has become clear that they are all part of the same big train of lemmings. Bye bye! Denmark, nope. Brussels Journal, nope. View from the Right, nope. Gates of Vienna, nope. I do not know if the news have reached the English speaking world, but Muslim immigration has increased in Denmark the last five years (as reported by Snaphanen). Yes, the "extreme far-right" "near Nazi" immigration laws of Denmark inspired by the Danish People's Party has lead to more Turks and Pakistanis. This is the way it goes in the world of liberals/Christians. It's their world. I can do nothing but sit on the side and laugh at it. They are too stuck in their inner fears and hang-ups to be able to do anything useful. They will do what they are programmed to do: demise.

It's seems that politics is not something for me to be engaging in, after all. Politics is by definition a social activity, but all the other people are stuck down in the cave, while I sit alone at my island. Robinson Crusoe couldn't have engaged in politics even if he wanted to. Western politics is the game of whether our nations should commit suicide fast or slowly. Conservatism is a joke. There are only Christians and liberals (and the occasional far whitist who's often the most extremely Judaoid priestly character of them all), and they all adhere to the same Chrsitan ethics, the same slave morality.

So what's the future for people like me? Because even if I belong nowhere politically, I belong somewhere socially and ethnically. Well, the world is being homogenized. Tomorrow the whole world will be like the Third World. People like me, of European ethnicity, will have no home, no nation. We will live like the Jews as elites in other people's nations (preferably a non-Muslim nation). This doesn't scare me. The Jews have lived thusly for two thousand years. It's a pity, but this is our destiny. This is what the Western Christians and liberals are working eagerly towards. This is what they are programmed to do. This is what they will achieve. I'll let them have it. As an individual I cannot change this. The only thing I can do is to prepare myself for it. A good plan is to live as a "Jew" in Catholic/Mestizo Latin America rather than a Muslim Europe, or the sinking Titanic of America. Even China looks like an option, in comparison.

All while Paul Belien is praising the Turkish Islamic party, AKP, for keeping Allah in the equation. To throw away Allah is not acceptable in the eyes of Belien, which he sees as leading to evil secularism where the state is put in the place of god.

Note also how he's using "conservative" exactly in the way I always opposed to. Kalb, Belien, Steven, Auster, D'Souza etc. They are the conservatives, they have the privilege of how it should be defined, Not a conservative-wannabe like me. Who hereby jump off the conservatism bandwagon: since I found that anecdotal conservatism is actually at the very core of conservatism, and since according to conservatives themselves it is correct to label Ahmedinejad as ultra-conservative. And not ultra-radical, as would have been the case with my interpretation of conservatism, which appeared to be a mirage. Bye bye idiots!

I'm sure Belien is very pleased also with the fact that the Turkish surge that lifted AKP to power, is forcing the Turkish women to dress more "conservatively". "Moderate devout Muslims" are better than secular claptrap, aren't they, Belien?

I can see exactly how creeping dhimmitude happens, as described by Bat Ye'or, when Christianity gets confronted with Islam. Christianity has two sides, the left side and the right side, and both are inviting Islam while trying to defeat each other. Muhammad's brain child is a perfect organism to parasitize on Christianity.

As a Christian, Lawrence Auster adhere to the Jewish god like so many others. But to him the Jewish god is not the foreign, alien god as he is to all the other Westerners, thereby weakening them and their self-esteem. To Lawrence it's his old nationalistic god, a situation which provides Lawrence with substantially more self-confidence than any other Westerner, when speaking as a mouthpiece for Christianity. But it's still the same universalist god of good (and weakness, meekness etc.). Lawrence can only provide a fake impression of what it is to adopt the Jewish god. It won't work the same way for you, since you are not a Jew.

In geopolitics Lawrence is all about good ol' American apple-pie limited war. Something that never worked and a doctrine that left this planet in the worst kind of mess, seen in history, during this last century. The bloodiest and most murderous century of mankind, under the "guidance" of America. Pax Romana and Carthaginian peace are well-tried concepts that works, and that provides mercy and peacefulness for innocent people. But the American way is to leave the world in chaos, the American way is limited war. While any really useful and effective measure against the Islamic empire is seen as "playing god" by Lawrence Auster.

At Gates of Vienna Baron Boddisey acts as the perfect PC Inquisitor when ostracizing Swedish blogger Jan Milld, as anti-Semite, for questioning the exactness of the symbolic figure of 6 million Jews, along with pointing out that the case, about gas chambers, was built on witnesses rather than technical evidence. This made Baron react with his reptile brain, quite as we have seen Lawrence Auster do with regards to me a month ago (on a completely unrelated issue).

These people are just not prepared for a proper fight. They are too much driven by superstitious fear and emotions. And there is not exactly anyone else around.

I'll withdraw and cultivate my garden.

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