Monday, July 14, 2008

La Mer

In the summer I like to go to the ocean. So much, the ocean.

La Mer. Charles Trénet

(Hat tip: Every Kinda People)

[End of post]


DaleinAtlanta said...

Swede: Hi, I left you two more comments on the other thread; but really have to go now.

One comment/suggestion/request?

I like you, and your style; do you want to set up a "permanent" discussion thread somehow, so we can talk about Islam, and ask other like-minded people to join in; and thus not have the comments get "lost" buried in other posts.

Like I said before, I can never do a Blog full time, but willing to maybe write a little thing for you once a week or so...

Conservative Swede said...


It's truly a pleasure.

Here's a suggestion:
Send me an email to

We can continue our dialog there. Then I could publish it here, every now and then, when we have enough good material. This is also the easiest way to get other people on board (by email), whenever we find someone.

So it will be a series of post, rather than a permanent thread. You are also welcome to write pieces for me. Send me an email, and we can discuss.

Jean Moulin said...

Thanks for appreciating my taste in music and mentioning Every Kinda People.

I've long liked "La mer" and songs in that genre, and been reminded of it when I've seen "Das Boot"
and "The Dreamers".

By the way, I've added Conservative Swede to our

Conservative Swede said...


Thanks, and thanks again, and welcome to my blog!